Capacity building businesses in Zambia

Improving leadership, information, technical, monitoring, political and managerial skills
1-7 of 7 results
Zamstock Photos image
Zamstock Photos
Building Zambian photographers' capacity
The team at Zamstock Photos is passionate about connecting Zambian photographers with a global audience. But the organisation recognises that quality photography requires expensive equipment and professional skills, which a young Zambian photographer may not be able to easily acquire. Therefore it is working on building photographers' capacity through investment and training.
Prospero Ltd image
Prospero Ltd
Capacity building
Prospero Ltd provides technical assistance to SMEs to support their growth and ability to access commercial financing and investment. It also supports SMEs to develop business models that benefit marginalised populations, with a strategic mix of innovation as well as social and economic impact. The company applies a market systems development approach to support these SMEs and develop an enabling business environment for private sector growth and investment.
Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ) image
Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ)
Community support
Lower Zambezi National Park
CLZ supports communities in surrounding GMAs in partnership with the local Community Resource Boards (CRBs). CLZ assists by providing solutions to Human-Wildlife Conflict, collecting information on HWC incidences, and providing a communication link between local communities and wildlife authorities. CLZ also engages in alternative income projects and Conservation Agreements to help the community benefit further both directly and indirectly from the environment. CLZ currently employs 88 people in total— a majority of whom are hired from the local communities.
WEAC Zambia
Capacity building
WEAC Zambia designs capacity building solutions that are tailored to fit the specific needs and realities of each business. The centre starts by conducting a comprehensive assessment of a business to better understand its strengths and challenges before it recommends solutions that will help it grow.
Good Nature Agro
Capacity building small-scale farmers
Good Nature Agro conducts an outgrower program for legume seeds that give small scale farmers access to inputs, access to information, and access to a ready market. The company promotes and conducts training on improved farm practices and deliver a farmer-friendly loan of seeds and additional inputs.
Twinning Center
Capacity building
AIHA's HRSA-supported HIV/AIDS Twinning Center Program (TCP) has established and managed a wide range of capacity programmes. AIHA utilizes a wide range of evidence-based, cost-effective approaches for health systems strengthening (HSS), developing human resources for health (HRH), and other needed capacity building.
Catholic Relief Services Zambia
Capacity building
Catholic Relief Services has partnered with more than 40 local organisations in Zambia to implement quality development programs. CRS believes that capacity strengthening of local partners is fundamental to achieving sustainability. The aim is to foster strong local ownership by helping to build the capacities of partners.

Capacity building

Improving leadership, information, technical, monitoring, political and managerial skills

Find out about organisations dedicated to developing the capacity of different groups of people in Zambia, as opposed to providing relief or other forms of short-term help. Capacity building is an ongoing process through which individuals, groups, organizations and societies enhance their ability to identify and meet development challenges. Organizations with a strong commitment to strengthening the local partner organizations work on building activities based on three key elements; partnership, organizational development and civil society strengthening.

Find development organizations operating in Zambia that works to improve the capacity of sectors they are working with.

Improving leadership, information, technical, monitoring, political and managerial skills, especially systemic and long-term thinking; technology development and access; monitoring and evaluation systems; institutional and organizational arrangements, governance and education systems;

Capacity-building strategies include leadership; good quality and accessible information; technical, political, and managerial skills, especially systemic and long-term thinking; technology development and access; monitoring and evaluation systems; institutional and organizational arrangements, governance and education systems.

Capacity, then, is a finite resource but is renewable under certain deliberate conditions. On the other hand, “capability building” refers to the skills and knowledge required for a particular task. Find the organization in this category that develops capabilities in Zambia. An organization may have the capacity to change but lack certain key capabilities.