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Prospero Ltd

Prospero is a Zambian registered, independent, not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. Supporting private sector development, it facilitates impact investment by helping to grow Zambian businesses into viable recipients for impact capital. Prospero focuses on companies whose expansion will have a positive impact on the development of Zambia and the Southern African region and will benefit marginalised populations. The company works across various economic sectors, with a specific focus on pipeline enabling and development for Investment and investment facilitation. Since 2014, Prospero has worked with over 400 SMEs. The Prospero team is highly qualified with local knowledge and expertise across the main sectors of the Zambian economy. Over the last decade, it has demonstrated its ability to successfully manage and deliver large and complex donor-funded programs that have had a lasting impact on the businesses it works with.

Contact info

Independence Avenue, Lusaka
759 Independence Avenue, Lusaka, Zambia
Message business
Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc
Enquire via Email


Prospero has the espertise to facilitate investment, with strong networks in angel investment and impact investment spaces. The company has helped to build an investment ecosystem in Zambia through its support of the establishment of ZBAN (Zambia Business Angels Network) and the growth of Impact Capital Africa. They are also involved in the development of innovative financial mechanisms to support financial institutions to provide SMEs with easier and more affordable access to finance.
Goal of creating thousands of jobs in Zambia
Additional investment to Zambian SMEs
Helped to form ZBAN (Zambia Business Angels Network)
Investment - 0
Investment - 1
Investment - 2
Investment - 3

Intervention partnerships

Prospero offers support to its partners in the form of co-investment of a combination of resources, time, money and effort to introduce new products, services or business models in a specific sector market or value chain. While our partner invests in the hope and expectation of future profits and financial returns to shareholders, Prospero invests for development returns which mostly focus on; new or more secure jobs, supporting people to cope with effects of climate change, promoting a green economy and increasing income opportunities for Zambians.
Grants for investment or technical assistance
Facilitation or cooperation agreements
A partnership from which both parties can benefit
Intervention partnerships - 0
Intervention partnerships - 1
Intervention partnerships - 2
Intervention partnerships - 3

Capacity building

Prospero Ltd provides technical assistance to SMEs to support their growth and ability to access commercial financing and investment. It also supports SMEs to develop business models that benefit marginalised populations, with a strategic mix of innovation as well as social and economic impact. The company applies a market systems development approach to support these SMEs and develop an enabling business environment for private sector growth and investment.
Technical assistance and support for business model development
Investment in agriculture, industry and biotrade sectors
Service provision - finance, networking and carbon market access
Capacity building - 0
Capacity building - 1
Capacity building - 2
Capacity building - 3

Contact information

Independence Avenue, Lusaka
759 Independence Avenue, Lusaka, Zambia

Message Prospero Ltd

Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc

Enquire via Email