The mine is a multi-pit, multi staged operation mining approximately 100MT of ore and waste per annum and producing copper concentrates containing an average of 120,000 tonnes of copper metal per year over a twenty (20) year mine life, making Lumwana the largest single open cut copper mine in Africa.
Production involves the use of four hydraulic face shovels for waste and ore and two hydraulic excavators (26m³) plus a smaller unit (15m³) for selective ore mining and 26 large AC-drive haul units (242t). These units are being supported by a fleet of drills, front-end loaders, bulldozers, graders and other ancillary equipment.
Metallurgical test work indicates greater than 95% recovery of copper by conventional flotation processing. Test work showed that Malundwe will produce a concentrate grading 41%–45% copper and Chimiwungo is expected to produce a concentrate grading 28%–32% copper. Sulphide ore is processed on-site by conventional flotation to produce copper concentrates for shipment to off-site smelters. Concentrates are smelted and refined into metal at smelters. The copper concentrates produced during the fourth quarter of 2010 were delivered to the Chambishi Copper Smelter and the Konkola Copper Mines Smelter at Nchanga on the Zambian Copperbelt.
Trucks from the mine tip directly into a 400t capacity ROM dump hopper. A primary gyratory crusher crushes the ROM ore from a nominal top size of 1,500mm to less than 200mm. Oversize material is deposited on the ROM pad to be further broken by a mobile rock breaker. Ore is reclaimed through apron feeders onto a conveyor belt providing direct feed, at a rate of about 2,500t/h, into the 38ft × 18ft SAG mill. The SAG mill trommel undersize discharges into a hopper and is pumped to conventional hydrocyclones, operating in closed circuit with a 26ft × 40ft ball mill. The hydrocyclone overflow (P80 of 280µm) reports to flotation, while the underflow returns to the ball mill. The flotation plant consists of two parallel trains of rougher/scavenger cells. The rougher/scavenger concentrate reports to the regrind circuit to further liberate the copper minerals.
After regrinding, the concentrate is cleaned in a conventional cleaner/recleaner circuit to reach final concentrate grade. The concentrate is dewatered in a circuit consisting of high-rate thickening followed by pressure filtration to produce a filter cake suitable for transportation. Flotation tailings are thickened and pumped to the tailings dam. Most of the plant water is recovered and recycled from the thickener overflows and tailings dam return water. Fresh make-up water is supplied from a river-water dam as required.