Yildirimlar Blocks Ltd logo

Yildirimlar Blocks Ltd

Yildrimilar specialises in high quality blocks in standard sizes of 4″, 6″ and 8″. They also offer pavers, kerb stones and interlocking blocks. Hydraulic presses with vibration ensure there are no air bubbles or cavities that would weaken the block. This company is so certain of the quality of its production that it guarantees every block. There is always a ready supply of blocks to meet even large orders. If you are implementing a building program, you can confidently go to Yildirimlar, the block specialists.

Contact info

Makeni Road, Lusaka
396a Makeni Road, Makeni, Lusaka, Zambia
+260 969 338288, +260 972 482125
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Construction materials

Yildirimlar Blocks uses high-tech machinery to produce their blocks, maintaining a consistently high quality. This means strong foundations and walls for their clients. About 9,000 blocks are produced each day. There is always a ready supply of blocks to meet even large orders.
Quality blocks produced daily in volume
Hydraulic presses and vibration ensure consistency
Pavers, kerb stones and interlocking blocks also available
Construction materials - 0
Construction materials - 1
Construction materials - 2
Construction materials - 3

Contact information

Makeni Road, Lusaka
396a Makeni Road, Makeni, Lusaka, Zambia
+260 969 338288, +260 972 482125

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+260 974 446101
Makeni Road, Lusaka
396a Makeni Road, Makeni, Lusaka, Zambia
+260 969 338288, +260 972 482125