Your Anthem Radio Ltd (YAR 89.7FM) logo

Your Anthem Radio Ltd (YAR 89.7FM)

Kitwe, Zambia

Updated about 1 month ago
This radio station was incorporated in 2004 and trades as YAR FM. It is the first commercial radio station to operate on the Copperbelt and is now being referred to as the authoritative voice of the region. Your Anthem Radio broadcasts from Kitwe on 89.7 FM to surrounding areas on the Copperbelt, with a rotational listenership base of over four million people. YAR FM presents a great opportunity for companies and individuals in and outside the Copperbelt to effectively advertise their goods and services.

Contact info

Obote Avenue, Kitwe
Obote Avenue, City Centre, Kitwe, Zambia
+260 212 220898
PO Box 23031 Kitwe, Zambia
Message business
Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc
Enquire via Email

Multimedia & Advertising

Your Anthem Radio has entered the commercial radio market in the region with a marketing opportunity that seeks to differentiate itself from the rest. The radio station has created a wide variety of marketing packages with options and rates that cater for both the premium and low budget advertiser.
Marketing packages to suit all sizes of business
Creatively produced adverts using top of the range software
Materials delivered with a passionate, up-market approach
Multimedia & Advertising - 0
Multimedia & Advertising - 1
Multimedia & Advertising - 2
Multimedia & Advertising - 3

TV and Radio station

Your Anthem Radio (YAR 89.7 FM) offers a wealth of information, entertainment and education to its listeners. Its brand was designed for listeners to feel part of the station. YAR 89.7 FM is in touch with the trends of today while appreciating where it has come from. This is all expressed in their presentation style on radio.
Frequency is 89.7 FM
Information, entertainment and education for its listeners
Influencing their target market and the nation positively

Contact information

Obote Avenue, Kitwe
Obote Avenue, City Centre, Kitwe, Zambia
+260 212 220898
PO Box 23031 Kitwe, Zambia

Message Your Anthem Radio Ltd (YAR 89.7FM)

Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc

Enquire via Email