Radio Christian Voice (RCV) logo

Radio Christian Voice (RCV)

Lusaka, Zambia

Updated about 2 months ago
Radio Christian Voice (RCV) is an independent radio station that has been broadcasting the best Christian music and programming to Central and Southern Africa since 1994. It reaches people through programming that is current, up to date and relevant to them. By working closely with local pastors and the community, Radio Christian Voice seeks to introduce people to Jesus and encourage them to become His true followers. Business owners and organizations can also advertise on this station at affordable rates.

Contact info

Alick Nkhata Road, Lusaka
35201-203 Alick Nkhata Road, Mass Media Area, Lusaka, Zambia
+260211256986, +260967788166, +260960200490
Message business
Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc
Enquire via Email
Enquire via WhatsApp

Radio station

Radio Christian Voice (RCV) currently broadcasts to the Copperbelt (105.3FM and 98.9FM), Kapiri Mposhi (101.1FM), Livingstone (98.9FM), Ndola (98.9FM) and Solwezi (106.5FM). In Lusaka, the frequency is 106.1FM. With programming that promotes moral values that are based on biblical principles, RCV believes that it touches many lives and impacts nations with the Gospel.
The best Christian music and programming
Station works closely with local pastors and the community
The goal is to reach all nations with the Gospel
Radio station - 0
Radio station - 1
Radio station - 2
Radio station - 3
Products and Packages
1-3 of 10 results
Radio Christian Voice (RCV)
Radio Christian Voice (RCV)
TV and Radio station
Cavmont Rush 800  image
Cavmont Rush 800
Radio Christian Voice (RCV)
Fast-paced music and infotainment on relevant topics of the day. For those on the road or intending to go outside, our Breakfast Weather, Traffic and Travel is something to look forward to, we give you updates on the weather and traffic rules from 9 am, Monday to Friday. We serve Cavmont Rush 800 with taking ways. Get to win different prizes from all kinds of competitions and promotions running on Radio Christian Voice. From meal giveaways, hampers, weekends away…the list is endless! Kick start your day with Cavmont Rush 800, Ministering to your Spirit Soul and Body.
Radio Christian Voice (RCV)
Radio Christian Voice (RCV)
TV and Radio station
Backpage Sport  image
Backpage Sport
Radio Christian Voice (RCV)
Backpage Sport with Lawrence covers any and everything sport-related. With current news, topical discussions and match commentary; we engage the sport-loving Christian with their favourite content in an informative and entertaining way. It is no wonder Backpage Sport is one of our most loved shows!
Radio Christian Voice (RCV)
Radio Christian Voice (RCV)
TV and Radio station
Weekend Break image
Weekend Break
Radio Christian Voice (RCV)
Join Echo every Saturday and Sunday for a weekend break. After making the listeners playlist for five days a week, they get an opportunity to make their own at the weekend. From 14:00-16:00 listeners have a chance to phone in, email, WhatsApp and request a song of their choice! Echo spices up the show with a topic of the day!

Multimedia & Advertising

Advertising on the radio provides a more intimate approach than many other mediums and can reach target consumers at key times during the day. With a wide reach, organizations, business owners and individuals can advertise on Radio Christian Voice (RCV) to promote their products and services.
A wide reach - Lusaka, Copperbelt, Kapiri Mposhi, Livingstone, Ndola and Solwezi
Advertising that delivers stronger sales results for organizations and business owners
Affordable time slots
Multimedia & Advertising - 0
Multimedia & Advertising - 1
Multimedia & Advertising - 2
Multimedia & Advertising - 3

Contact information

Alick Nkhata Road, Lusaka
35201-203 Alick Nkhata Road, Mass Media Area, Lusaka, Zambia
+260211256986, +260967788166, +260960200490

Message Radio Christian Voice (RCV)

Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc

Enquire via Email
Enquire via WhatsApp