The following are chemicals that Care Crop Solution Zambia deals in:
Fungicides: These are biocides chemical compounds or biological organisms used to kill or inhibit fungi or fungal spores. Fungi can cause serious damage to plants, resulting in critical losses of yield, quality and profit. Fungicides are used in agriculture to fight fungal infections. Some of the fungicides that Care Crop Solutions deals in include Copper Oxychloride, Acrobat, Rexdo, Elzeb (mancozeb), Elzeb plus (mancozeb+ metalaxyl), Elzeb super (mancozeb+ cabendazim), Abacus, Opera, Osiris and Bellis.
Insecticides: Crop Care Solutions offers high quality insecticide to control different insects damaging the crops. These are substances used to kill insects. Broad spectrum and specific insecticides are sold and some include proactive (acetamiprid), Hitcel (profenophos+ cypermethrin), Cypercel (cypermethrin), fastac (alpha cypermethrin), starchlor ( Dichlorovos), imidacel super (imidacloprid), warrant power (gamma cyalothrin+ imidacloprid) and regent.
Herbicides: Chemicals used to manipulate or control undesirable vegetation consisting of post emergence and pre-emergence as well as selective and non selective which include stellar star, glycel (glyphosate), round up (glyphosate), bullet, Elsefan (fomasafen), Tanzaquat (paraquat), Eltachlor (Acetachlor), Tangold (metalachlor), stomp aqua and hammer. Intergrity, Optil, Frontier, Optimum Hammer, Basergram, Focus Ultra and Follier/Booster.
Megafol: Valagro for stress resistance and better crop growth
Biologicals: Care Crop Solution has complete range of biological in all plants including Histick, Rhizoflo, Tricoplus, Broadband and Phgold.