Animal transport businesses in Zambia

Transporting fit for travel livestock - cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs and poultry
1-3 of 3 results
PetMedic Veterinary Services
Pet transport
Lusaka +2
PetMedic Veterinary Services offers safe and comfortable travel of pets by road or air, accompanied or unaccompanied. The company handles all your import and export permits and is able to book flights and pre-clear pets on your behalf. PetMedic can facilitate travel of animals and liaise with pet travel agents from other countries.
If you're planning a big national or international move, Bayhealth Veterinary Services are on hand to help move your four legged family members with ease and care. Their pet travel packages and services include logistics support, health services, documentation and advice. The team will ensure that all processes are carried out in a timely manner.
Glencoe Farming & Veterinary image
Glencoe Farming & Veterinary
Pet import and export
Are you relocating to another country and looking for a company that can safely export your pet? Or are you coming to live in Zambia and want to import your pet? Glencoe Farming and Veterinary Services provides safe and reliable animal transport services for household pets and exotic animals. Get in touch with Glencoe for answers to your animal transport requirements.

Animal transport

Transporting fit for travel livestock - cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs and poultry

When transporting livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs and poultry) it is necessary to make sure that any journey is properly planned, with time in transit kept to a minimum. Any animal transported must be: fit for travel, provided with the necessary water, feed and rest, provided with sufficient floor space and height. All forms of transport and the loading and unloading facilities used should be designed, constructed and maintained to avoid injury and suffering. People handling the animals should be suitably trained. The government requires a livestock movement permit obtained from a Veterinary Department in your area. Find the companies that provide these services in Zambia. For transporting pets find a vet that provides this service and can advise on international transport.

Animal transporters in Zambia are used to transport livestock or non-livestock animals over long distances. They could be specially-modified vehicles or trailers. It is important to transport the animals in a humane way for the animals' welfare.

Often your vet can arrange to transport your pets by road or air. The most direct way of shipping your dog or cat to another country is flying. This tends to be the most expensive animal transportation method, with costly airline fees. The main concern isn't affordability — it's safety.