Aunty Anne Wyatt has been with the school from its birth, intricately involved in everything from sewing curtains for the hostels, training and organising the maids, planting roses in the flower beds and working in the kitchens.
She took the vision of the school and added a woman's touch, making things look beautiful. She has always been a huge part of the community here and many people will tell you stories of how she has helped them and shown them love and support.
In her lovely home, just a few minutes away from the school her door was always open. You knew you would always get a good cup of tea, a slice of chocolate cake and a listening ear.
She has left her mark on our hearts and we will continue to see the fruit of the seeds she has sown over the years. Thank you Aunty Anne for being a mother to the many children that have lived here over the years, for being a friend to the teaching staff and a pillar in our community.
"The eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms" Deuteronomy 33 v 27
(Words by Lee-Anne Hammond)