Zambia Research and Education Network
Zambia Research and Education Network
Posted News
about 1 month ago

High Performance Computing (HPC) for handling high volumes of data

Research and Education Networks are becoming more common in many countries in Africa, supporting academics and researchers in an environment that has become increasingly dependent on ICT services and infrastructure. This is paramount as their core activities demands access to and analysis of vast amount of data.

1st Floor, West Wing, School of Education Building, Great East Road , University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia
+260211295926, +260950003248, +260955988885
High Performance Computing (HPC) for handling high volumes of data
Zambia Research and Education Network image
Zambia Research and Education Network
Advanced ICT for Zambian Academia
Web hosting for Zambian Academia
Fast Internet for Zambian Academia
Zambia Research and Education Network (ZAMREN) is a not-for-profit ICT service provider set up to provide internet and advanced ICT services for Zambian research and education institutions. With the motto "Enabling Knowledge", this NGO also offers inter-institutional connectivity in terms of a National Research and Education Network (NREN) that links to the UbuntuNet Alliance, which is the Regional Research and Education Network (RREN) for Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. All Zambian institutions in this sector are invited to become members of the ZAMREN community. Come and enjoy the benefits of high quality ICT services specifically designed for academic organisations in Zambia.