The call for proposals for the second women hackathon

The call for proposals for the second women hackathon, co-funded by the European Union as part of the AfricaConnect3 project is still open.

This year, we are extending the opportunity to 21 passionate young women developers from East and Southern Africa. Organized into teams of three, these participants will compete under the theme "Innovate for Research and Education." The hackathon will be part of the preconference activities for the upcoming UbuntuNet-Connect 2024 conference, and all participants will receive complimentary registration to the conference.

We encourage you to share this opportunity within your networks and support these young innovators. For more details and application instructions, please refer to this article on our website.

1st Floor, West Wing, School of Education Building, Great East Road , University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia
0211 295 927
The call for proposals for the second women hackathon
Zambia Research and Education Network image
Zambia Research and Education Network
Web hosting for Zambian Academia
Fast Internet for Zambian Academia
Advanced ICT for Zambian Academia
Zambia Research and Education Network (ZAMREN) is a not-for-profit ICT service provider set up to provide internet and advanced ICT services for Zambian research and education institutions. With the motto "Enabling Knowledge", this NGO also offers inter-institutional connectivity in terms of a National Research and Education Network (NREN) that links to the UbuntuNet Alliance, which is the Regional Research and Education Network (RREN) for Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. All Zambian institutions in this sector are invited to become members of the ZAMREN community. Come and enjoy the benefits of high quality ICT services specifically designed for academic organisations in Zambia.