Supergold Vending
Supergold Vending
Posted News
9 months ago

Freshly ground coffee, tea selections, and condiments.

Supergold Vending schedules and performs re-stocking services. The schedules are based on each machines' capacity and potential traffic and are planned to ensure vending machines are stocked and operable at all times.

Supergold Vending has the capacity to provide large commercial sites and hospitality companies with coffee beans and hot chocolate supplies. The company supplies its clients with consumables that suit their needs. This personalized service is what sets Supergold apart from others.

31 Kwacha Road, Olympia, Lusaka, Zambia
+260 211 845770, +260 966 802055, +260 969 802061
Freshly ground coffee, tea selections, and condiments.
Supergold Vending image
Supergold Vending
Vending machine maintenance
Food and beverages
Coffee machines
Supergold Vending is your go-to brand for quality food and beverage solutions. Since 2007, under the respected ‘Kuleni-Supergold’ brand, this company has been a leader in providing high-quality food and beverage options in Zambia. As Nestle Professional’s trusted partner, they have built strong relationships with top industry names like Bianchi Industry, Simat, and EVOCA.