Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous
Posted News
12 months ago

A support group for alcoholism

In the Alcoholics Anonymous programme, participants follow a set of recovery steps to achieve and maintain abstinence from alcohol. Many of these people use a sponsor to help them through the process. You must be an alcoholic to join AA though anyone can attend open meetings. At these meetings, you will find alcoholics talking about what drinking has done to their lives and personalities, what actions they have taken to help themselves, and how they are living their lives today.

A support group for alcoholism
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Alcoholics Anonymous
Therapy & Counselling
Alcoholics Anonymous is an international mutual aid fellowship founded in 1935. In Zambia, this fellowship of men and women gather and share their experience, strength and hope with each other in order to solve their common problem and recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. The primary purpose for Alcoholics Anonymous is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.