Grade 7-12 Extracurricular Activities

Grade 7-12 Extracurricular Activities

Sentinel Kabitaka School offers a unique enrichment program which includes extracurricular activities that comprise sports and various other clubs
Last updated 16 Sept 2022

Further information

At Sentinel Kabitaka school we take sports, clubs and societies seriously. We endeavour to cater for the varied interests of our learners by providing as many sporting disciplines as possible, in an attempt to widen their interests and experiences.


Currently, we offer and compete in the following sporting disciplines: Soccer, Netball, Rounders, Cross-country, Table-tennis Badminton, Basketball, Hockey, Cycling, Rugby and Volleyball. We will introduce Athletics and Cricket upon completion of our new field, which is currently under construction.


Monday and Wednesday afternoons (14.00 – 15.00) are dedicated to a variety of clubs and activities at Sentinel Kabitaka. These include Drama, Scripture Union, Art & crafts, Chess, JETS, ICT/Computing and public speaking.

House System

The houses at Sentinel Kabitaka are Kansanshi House (blue), Frontier House (green), Sentinel House (yellow) and Enterprise House (red). The allocation of houses depends on the gender and age needs of each house as pupils enter the school, apart from siblings.

Careers and Further Education

Progression beyond IGCSE is always at the forefront of our thinking at Sentinel Kabitaka. With that in mind, we have several activities throughout the year which get our pupils thinking along the same lines, beginning with work experience for our senior students which has them spending two full working weeks at different workplaces in the town such as the mine, lawyers’ chambers and the fire department to get an understanding of what work is like

Product TitleSentinel Kabitaka School Grade 7-12 Extracurricular Activities

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Sentinel Kabitaka School
Secondary school
Sentinel School Kabitaka offers the Cambridge curriculum, along with IGCSEs. A vibrant and balanced co-curricular programme that encompasses sport, music, art, drama and many other activities. It offers a culture of creativity, innovation and excellence and provides opportunities for service to others, self-reliance and leadership.