Neelkanth Group Zambia Ltd logo

Neelkanth Group Zambia Ltd

Lusaka, Zambia

Updated 4 months ago
Neelkanth Group Zambia is the holding company of the following companies: Neelkanth Freshfoods Ltd one of the leading manufacturer of high quality canned goods. Neelkanth Printing and Packaging Ltd is one of the manufacturers of peel and seal envelopes. Neelkanth Lime Ltd manufactures quality lime and lime based products. MM Integrated Steel Ltd is one of the manufacturers of galvanised iron roofing sheets and Infotech Business Solutions Ltd supplies office consumables and computer accessories.

Contact info

Mumbwa Road, Lusaka
11028 Mumbwa Road, Chinika Industrial Area, Lusaka, Zambia
+260 211 241798, +260 978 775533
PO Box 38196, Lusaka Zambia
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Holding companies

Neelkanth Group Zambia Ltd is a holding company of several companies in Zambia. It is categorized under wholesale supplies to companies. The company supplies unique office supplies and stationery. With a presence in the construction industry the company also supplies building and construction materials.
Holding company for several companies in Zambia
Neelkanth Freshfoods and Neelkanth Printing and Packaging
MM Integrated Steel and Infotech Business Solutions
Holding companies - 0
Holding companies - 1
Holding companies - 2
Holding companies - 3

Contact information

Mumbwa Road, Lusaka
11028 Mumbwa Road, Chinika Industrial Area, Lusaka, Zambia
+260 211 241798, +260 978 775533
PO Box 38196, Lusaka Zambia

Message Neelkanth Group Zambia Ltd

Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc

Enquire via Email