At primary stage Lyndhurst School introduces History, Geography and Science, French, PE, Art and Music. As pupils move forward, teaching is carried out more and more by subject specialist teachers. Year one Focuses on key skills of reading, writing and basic mathematics. Science, geography and history are taught through topic based studies, which link to the children's art and creative work. Year two Pupils continue to develop their core skills, focusing on developing their reading, spelling and handwriting, and increasing their understanding of mathematics. Year three Science and computing are added to the core subjects. By the time they leave year three, the pupils are academically and socially ready for the next stage of their development. Curriculum The curriculum includes Maths, English, Science, French, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Information Technology, Music, Art, PE and Games. Art Art is taught by the Art specialist, giving pupils a wide range of skills and techniques. Fine art includes modelling, construction and design work. In addition pupils are taught the basics of planning and design. Music Pupils are introduced to a range of music styles. They are encouraged to take up lessons in playing an instrument of their choice (the school will recommend a particular tutor). Small groups of musicians and singers are encouraged to practice at the school to improve their talents. Information Technology The school has a computer lab where pupils learn foundational skills through practice. They are instructed on touch typing, information storage and retrieval, word-processing, spreadsheets, use of search engines, layout and design and more.