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Chamilandu Bushcamp

Early morning views don't get much better than the rippling waters of the Luangwa River, the gentle rise of the Chindeni Hills and a vast African sky – especially when you're lying in a four poster bed in a handsome stilted tree-house. You don't even need to leave your bed to see the wildlife – from your unique vantage point you can watch as animals roam across the landscape, or swing through the trees above your head. There are just three stilted chalets at this exclusive camp.

Contact info

Mfuwe Road
Mfuwe Road, Mfuwe
+260 216 246041, +260 978 770055
PO Box 91, Mfuwe, Zambia
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Safari lodge

Chamilandu's three exquisite tree-houses perch right on the edge of the Luangwa River. Each has its own raised veranda to loll on during the heat of the day, and an open-fronted en-suite bathroom with the same magnificent views over the tranquil waters. With capacity for just six guests, this is the perfect camp for small groups.
Three exquisite tree-houses perch right on the edge of the Luangwa River
Walking safaris and game drives around Chamilandu
The perfect camp for small groups
Safari lodge - 0
Safari lodge - 1
Safari lodge - 2
Safari lodge - 3

Contact information

Mfuwe Road
Mfuwe Road, Mfuwe
+260 216 246041, +260 978 770055
PO Box 91, Mfuwe, Zambia

Message Chamilandu Bushcamp

Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc

Enquire via Email