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Canisius Secondary School

Government owned, this school was founded by the Society of Jesus in 1949. Canisius Secondary School is committed to not only offering secondary education but also assisting students in the fullest possible development of their God-given talents so that they can become persons of proficiency, conscience and commitment in serving God and the human community. The school offers an all-inclusive curriculum and a wide variety of extra-curricular activities.

Contact info

Gwembe Road
Chikuni Mission Gwembe Road, Chisekesi
+260 213 250364
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Secondary school

Canisius Secondary school challenges its students to make every effort for excellence and ensures it moulds them to become critical scholars and professionals. The school offers an array of extra-curricular actives designed to harness each and every student's innate skills.
Full boarding secondary school education
All-inclusive curriculum and a wide variety of extra-curricular activities
Focus on moulding students to become critical scholars and professionals
Secondary school - 0
Secondary school - 1

Contact information

Gwembe Road
Chikuni Mission Gwembe Road, Chisekesi
+260 213 250364

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Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc

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