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Apogo Guest House

Apogo Guest House provides secure air-conditioned affordable accommodation, with five double rooms and three fully furnished self-catering cottages, all with free Wi-Fi internet 24/7. The guest house is conveniently located close to Manda Hill and Arcades shopping malls, and Lusaka's central business district. The proprietors of this guest house also run Wera Nature and Conservation Game Farm, a nature area just outside Lusaka. that is being developed with passion and dedication.

Contact info

Mumana Road, Lusaka
Plot 6581 Mumana Road, Olympia Park, Lusaka, Zambia
+260 955 914721, +260 969 804480
Message business
Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc
Enquire via Email

Guest houses

The Apogo Guest House team will welcome you to your 'home away from home'. This guest house is a family run business providing a clean place to lay your head in an easy-going, peaceful and relaxed setting.
Accommodation at exceptional value for money
Rooms are self contained with an LCD wall mounted TV screen
Within easy access of shopping malls
Guest houses - 0
Guest houses - 1
Guest houses - 2
Guest houses - 3

Contact information

Mumana Road, Lusaka
Plot 6581 Mumana Road, Olympia Park, Lusaka, Zambia
+260 955 914721, +260 969 804480

Message Apogo Guest House

Enquiries, questions, quotation requests etc

Enquire via Email